Over the summer of 2019 I travelled with four eleven-year olds to Hamburg, Germany for four weeks. We were one of 13 delegations from all over the world who came together to be part of Light Up the World Village. While there the children participated in lots activities, from getting to know you and communication games to ones about understanding each other’s different communities and cultures. The children learnt through a learning by doing method, so got as much from the organised activities as they did from the day to day, by learning how to live together, work as a team and resolve conflicts. My favourite educational activity was having the children act out stereotyped scenarios such as ‘run like a girl’. It was a fun activity which engaged them but also lead to some in depth reflection on why we have such stereotypes and how they can be hurtful. During our time the participants got the opportunity to have two host families and some trips into Hamburg. There they got a chance to see some German culture and language and learn a bit more about the city they were in. As a leader I have great pride in my village and the children there, they learn a great deal about themselves and others in a short amount of time and can I see it shaping them for the future.